Prescription Topical Pain Warning

The FDA Warns of Illness and Deaths in Pets Exposed to Prescription Topical Pain Medications Containing Flurbiprofen

Released April 17, 2015, the FDA is warning pet owners, veterinarians, and health care providers  that there have been two recent reports of cats became ill or died after their owners used topical medications containing flurbiprofen.  The owners used the medication on their own neck or feet and have no idea how the pets came into contact with the medication.  Both cats suffered kidney failure in one household but survived.  In another household, the cat suffered issues and eventually died.  Necropsies on the cats that passed away showed signs that were consistent with NSAID toxicity.

To read the entire report and preventative measures, please see the full article: http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/NewsEvents/CVMUpdates/ucm443333.htm

